Strategic and Legislative plan of SSFA
Our Strategic Plan
How quickly we realise our vision and mission depends on how influential we are in mobilising the collective capital resources of the organisation, with a targeted approach on human and financial capital. Our system is also influenced by many national and global challenges such as available land, changing technology, the COVID-19 pandemic, constantly ensuring our services are relevant and our vulnerability to natural disasters. To respond to this wider context, we need to build on any current momentum, be more focused, look for new ways of achieving greater impact, and be more innovative, adaptive, and responsive.
Together with our partners and stakeholders, both new and traditional, we will endeavour to constantly look for new ways of working and seek out new relationships that will help us achieve our vision and mission and the organisational goals of Samoa Sports Facilities Authority:
Ensuring that the Board, Management, and staff have the skills, knowledge, and support to effectively plan, implement, and monitor the core functions and operations of the Organisation.
Ensuring the provision of safe and clean facilities.
Ensuring all the facilities and open spaces are attractive to visit, well managed and maintained; and have adequate amenities that encourage users to continue to use them.
Ensuring functional, resilient, multi-purpose, marketable, adaptable facilities to all user needs.
Ensure a collaborative approach to facilities planning and development with the community and relevant stakeholders.
Our Legislative Mandate
The Samoa Sports Facilities Authority is guided and governed under the following Legislation:
Samoa Sports Facilities Authority Act 2007
Public Bodies (Performance and Accountability) Act 2001
Public Finance Management Act 2001
Labour and Employment Relations Act 2013 and ACC Act
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)